November 6, 2007

NY Tech Meetup

NYtechMeetup put on a great event tonight, presenters included:

1. Jeff Han, Perceptive Pixel (awesome, period.)
2. Alex Daley, Microsoft Live Labs' Photosynth (awesome, period.)
3. Sam Lessin, ( impermanent online data dump viewable to those allowed)
4. Ryan Spahn, Sleep.FM (wake up to various messages from friends, not so hot!)
5. Ami Vora, The Facebook (discussing new advertising program)
6. David Karp, Tumblr (blogging made easy)
7. Sir Jacob Lodwick, Vimeo (online video platform)

I had a chance to speak to a handful of the presenters, but unfortunately I could not stay as long as I would have hoped.

Perceptive Pixel
Jeff Han described nyu based technology that can best be described by watching the video below. Pretty cool, and although you can buy the technology now, it's going to run you at least 6 figures (anything that is considered military grade, is apparently expensive...hmm)

Microsoft Live Labs' Photosynth is doing something very similar. Also, best explained by the video below.

Facebook discussed their new advertising platform. From what I gathered, there are two main features of this ad based system:

1. Entities wishing to advertise can create a facebook page (similar to how users make a profile page)and although you cannot have them/it/etc. as friends, you can be a fan. The advertising entity is then able to better understand its user base. I still need more clarification on this....

2. Advertisements on your facebook profile will be more targeted. For example, rather than seeing an advertisement for a camera, you will instead see an ad stating that your friend 'Mary; for example, just bought this camera, etc. Interesting. Pretty much looks like a referral system to me, smart.

These are the products, concepts that stuck out the most to me . . . although all the companies have interesting concepts (although is just terrible in my opinion).

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